Thank you for the outpouring of love and generosity in your donations for the women at Shelter KC! We have received lots of coats, gloves and hats! We are still in need of a TALL extra large coat and flannel pajamas in a variety of sizes. But no donation will go to waste!
You may sign up to donate any of these item(s) at or by contacting Deb Filby at or 913-649-1750.
Items you have already collected may be dropped off at Pam Enloe’s home at 9340 Ensley Ln, Leawood, KS 66206.
Donations will be accepted through December 15th. THANK YOU! to everyone that has already signed up to make a donation.
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I am donating 1 extra large thermal top and bottom, 1 extra large hoodie, 1 pair of gloves.
Sorry, about the phone call to you Deb. My bad for not taking an extra step to get on our website to follow the instructions to donate. Duh.
Thank You!!
I have a pair of XL knit PJs for the woman’s shelter. Where do I take them?
I will drop some coats off on Tuesday.