Before you come to service:
Please check your temperature, grab your mask and check your eNews after 8am for morning announcements and order of service.  

Required Protocol:

  • Bring your masks. Wearing of masks is encouraged. There are many reasons a person might opt to wear a mask so if you approach someone with a mask on, please put yours on out of care and respect.
  • For ages 4-11 yrs, masks are required indoors (covering both your mouth and nose before, during, and after service​). Teachers and childcare providers serving in the YFM area are also required to wear masks.
  • If you are feeling ill, have a temperature or have been exposed to COVID-19, please participate online.
  • Please maintain social distancing. A red dot sticker is available at the door for anyone who wants to be clear that others will not initiate closer contact or physical touch.
  • Do not congregate indoors. The inside areas of the building will be used only as a passthrough to the sanctuary or YFM rooms.


  • Sanctuary Seating
    Chairs will be distanced but grouped in a variety of ways so that you can be seated alone or with your party. Ushers will assist in moving any chairs to accommodate these needs.
  • Cafe Seating (outside the sanctuary)
    We have a limited number of tables and couches located in the café just outside the sanctuary. If your prefer a bit more distance but want to regather, you may watch the service on a mobile device or laptop in this area. Reminder, please socially distance and refrain from approaching other tables.
  • ​YFM
    We are excited about the three rooms available for children under the age of 12. There will be two groups: nursery (0-K) and UCOP Kidz (1st-5th). Older youth are invited to attend Sunday service or seek volunteer opportunities to assist with service.

The Nursery is located in the Mother’s Room, near the west entrance. Access the Idea Lab for UCOP Kidz through the café side of the sanctuary. You will sign your children in and out in that area. During service, UCOP Kidz might utilize the Sound Stage for movement activities.

What to Expect

  • Touchless Greetings:  We are encouraging touch-less greetings (Namaste/bows, air hugs are encouraged). There will be lots of joy in connecting! Please don’t put others in an awkward position by asking for physical contact. If someone is wearing a Red Dot sticker, be particularly mindful.
  • Contactless Giving:  A giving box will be located near the door.  We will not be passing the offering basket in the sanctuary. We encourage you to give online at or at the giving station with giving slips located by the west door. Prayerfully consider enrolling online as a sustaining contributor to be a foundation of support for your community. ​
  • Volunteers:  Volunteers have procedures training and we ask that you honor any request they make of you. Our first concern is the safety, health, and comfort of all attendees. 
  • Restrooms:  There are four restrooms easily accessed from the sanctuary. Two are in the east hall of the sanctuary and two are in the café just outside the sanctuary. 
  • Exposure Notification:  If you learn that you caused an exposure of COVID-19, please notify Rev. Jacquie at Those in attendance will be notified of the exposure.


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  • Kathy Holland

    Besides coming to hear wonderful service, Diana Holland wanted me to come and witness for her becoming a member of the church body.

  • Dorothy Levine

    We have just moved to Overland Park from Dallas, Texas.
    So happy you are re-opening. We have been in Unity of Dallas for a long time.
    Looking forward to being with you the 6th.

  • Teresa Sturgeon

    Looking forward to the smiling faces.

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