Dear UCOP,

So much is happening in our church right now, and all of it just feels so good!

We all know that our upcoming Annual Meeting is Sunday June 23rd, and that we have three candidates for the Board of Directors for 2019-2020: Patrick Andries, Tyra Burdett and Debra Amandola. At the “Meet-the-Candidates” time during the Sharing Circle this past Sunday, each candidate introduced themselves, discussed why they are each running for the Board of Directors, and answered any questions from congregants prior to the Annual Meeting.

We want to give a shout out to the newly revised and re-formed Marketing Team! This group, facilitated by Hugh Sawyer and Marie Kriss has incredible creative energy, and a wildly passionate love for Unity Church of Overland Park. They are working together to seek creative, simple, effective ways of marketing UCOP. They have great energy, great ideas, and the dedication to follow through on these ideas for the good of our community.

Many of you participated in the church-wide new building Visioning Process, facilitated by Patrick Andries. There is a small group of congregants working together to review all of the written results, and very soon that group will be able to share the results after they’ve been organized in a cohesive way. The purpose of this process is to help our community as we continue to seek the next right and perfect permanent church home so that we know what we are calling into existence, and so that all who participated can be represented in that larger vision. In a parallel fashion, the newly revised New Building Search Team has come together under the facilitation of Pam Enloe. This group is working to seek potential church space for us to move to as a permanent home. The finishing touches from the Visioning Process will be incredibly helpful and informative to this team as each property or option is explored.

The path we are on continues to be facilitated by Rev. David Mosher as three key components come together. The first is the Q-Process (Quantum Process) workshops which have now been offered to the UCOP community twice. This step is an invitation for each individual to examine the truth that “no one and nothing is against us,” and to do so by becoming empowered through the specific Q-Process, a powerful tool for self-exploration and shadow work. The second component being facilitated by Rev. Mosher is the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) process. A team of incredible congregants have been working with Rev. Mosher to learn the AI Interview Process, and this group is very close to launching AI interviews with our UCOP community. This is a key transitional process which will move us into readiness for the third key component, which is HOPCOF (Honoring our Past and Creating our Future). The completion of these components will deepen our awareness of who we are, where we are going, and who we are called to be as a renewed church community moving forward. These are also the steps we will take as a community to ready ourselves for seeking a permanent Senior Minister in the future – one which is the best fit for UCOP!

May each of you feel empowered on this positive spiritual path, and may you each feel empowered to make a difference in the world!


Your Board of Directors

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