A SpiritGroup is a small group of people who meet weekly to connect with one another while exploring a spiritual topic or theme. Together we explore the 5 Spiritual Principles that comprise the foundation of every SpiritGroup.
The journey begins with our COMMUNION with Spirit. Our CONNECTION encourages the development of deep, lasting friendships and loads of FUN! We practice COMPASSION by providing support for one another. In COMMUNITY we bring our teachings to life through service beyond the walls of our church. Through this journey, we CHALLENGE ourselves and each other to expand and grow as spiritual beings.
The SpiritGroups that are now forming are offering a deep dive into the Sunday Lent series “Atheism for Lent” or the exploration of a Buddhism podcast. And, for the first time we are offering a Deaf SpiritGroup that will be conducted entirely in ASL.
Groups will begin meeting the week of February 21st following our Ash Wednesday service. The DEADLINE to sign up for a SpiritGroup is Sunday February 21, 2021 at 5:00pm CST.
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  • Marc S Jaben

    Hi Tiffany,
    I chose you for the Spirit Group because I feel we have a good rapport- we “resonate” well.
    I am not sure if I can make all the meetings, as my schedule is always shifting.
    However, I will make as many as I can.
    I am curious, what is your topic/theme?

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