The Bylaws Town Hall was Sunday, August 1. We appreciate all who participated and provided information to fine tune the 2021 Bylaws. We want to ensure your voices are heard on this long-term [...]
During a recent Green Team event, a visioning survey was offered (see below) asking constituents how they envision the work of the UCOP Green Team. We’d love to offer you the chance to give [...]
Join Rev. Jacquie Fernandez and Tamie Rising for: 4-WEEK SATURDAY BOOK STUDY: Spirit Tech: The Brave New World of Consciousness Hacking and Enlightenment Engineering by Dr. Wesley Wildman & [...]
Please join the Green Team after Sunday Celebration service on July 25th for the 30 minute video, “Other Side of the Hill,” followed by a discussion regarding the past, present and future of our [...]
Hello! I am Debra Amandola the new UCOP Board president. I am extremely excited to work with the Board, the staff, and the congregation! My skills include 30 years in corporate leadership [...]
Our next opportunity to build community is July 17. Join us for an interactive day to build on the past and envision the future. The event will be facilitated by Unity spiritual counselor Carla [...]
We invite you to join us for the latest upcoming Second Saturday Strolls. Join Allison Elliott and the Green Team for monthly walks on — you guessed it! — the second Saturday of the [...]
Join floral designer Kevin Joel Kelly for this month’s Women in Unity presentation at the Overland Park Arboretum on Saturday June 19th from 10am to 12noon. Kevin has graced the Unity [...]
Before you come to service: Please check your temperature, grab your mask and check your eNews after 8am for morning announcements and order of service. Required Protocol: Bring your masks. [...]
Pam Enloe Pam has attended UCOP since the early 90’s. As a member, she has served the church in many positions including YFM and outreach. Pam is currently serving on the Board and has been [...]