Polly W Swafford biography Polly, at 95, is a strong , active and compassionate individual who continues to consider each day as a learning experience and believes there’s so much more to learn. [...]
I Am there when you pray and when you do not pray. I Am in you, and you are in Me. Only in your mind can you feel separate from Me, For only in your mind are the mists of “yours” and [...]
Saturday May 15, 2021 10:00am-noon Back by popular demand, Patty Williamson! More details to come! The Women in Unity will be meeting at Plexpod in the hospitality area. Please park on the [...]
We are holding a Celebration of Life service Saturday May 15, 2021 at 5:00pm for our beloved Rev. Mary Omwake, who served at UCOP from 1989-1999 as senior minister. To honor Rev. Mary and her [...]
UCOP Membership Classes Thursdays May 13th and May 20th 6:30-8:30pm Offered on Zoom Please register if you are new to UCOP, or if you have not been attending regularly for the last two years. [...]
Want to come check out our new spiritual home at 10000 Marshall Drive? If you have not already attended our first Open House, we are offering a second opportunity to view our new sanctuary, [...]
As we begin Holy Week, bringing us nearer to the end of our Lenten journey, we will glimpse a type of absurd faith that finds the highest in the lowest, the lowest in the highest, death in life [...]
Are you retired and no longer have a work phone? Did you drop your landline at home? Have you changed your email address in the last ten years? You would be surprised at how much outdated [...]
Womankind Live is a partnership between Unity Temple on the Plaza and Unity Church of Overland Park. Our mission is to give a platform and a voice to the divine feminine for the benefit of all of [...]