Yarn Blessings is a bi-monthly crochet/knit/stitch group The Yarn Blessings Ministry is a group at UCOP that offers monthly classes along with relaxing time to knit/stitch and socialize. Led by [...]
(Hint: It’s Easy!) We are thrilled to offer you Text-to-Give, an easy way to send love offerings and/or make payments to UCOP — right from your phone! All you need: a smart phone our [...]
A Healing Church Service for Grief and Stress at the Holidays Feeling blue? Grieving? Holiday stress got you down? Let’s gather in loving support of one another for a time of remembrance [...]
You are invited to join us for the first holiday service of the season. Our annual Thanksgiving Eve Communion and Candle Lighting service will take place on Wednesday, November 23, at 7 p.m. in [...]